• Group Integrated
Management Information System for Rah Shahr
• Optimization of the central building of National
Iranian Steel Company
9,000 m2
• Optimization of the central building of Planning &
Budget Organization
4,400 m2
• Optimization and interior design of the central
building of Melat Bank -
24,000 m2
• Optimization of the central building of Ministry of
Interior - 27,000 m2
• Optimization and interior design of Administrative and
Organizing building -
8,000 m2
• Optimization, clustering and interior design of the
buildings of Ministry
of Foreign Affaires
• Optimization and interior design of the central
building of Islamic
Republic of Iran
Shipping Lines' building complex - 24,000 m2
• Clustering and interior design of the building complex
of Islamic
Republic of Iran
Shipping Lines - 14,000 m2
• Clustering of National Iranian Oil Company buildings -
56,000 m2
• Analysis of the organizational structure and space
arrangement of
NIOC's headquarter
building - 180,000 m2
• Optimization and interior design of Pars Special
Economic Zone's
administrative buildings
- 4,600 m2
• Optimization of the Taxation Organization building -
• Interior design of the Persian Gulf International
Airport Terminal in Pars
Special Economic Zone -
6,000 m2